
Coronavirus/Covid-19 Message from the Parish Council

Dear residents

In response to the recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), and following the latest Government advice, Thornton Parish Council has taken the necessary steps to cancel all meetings. It is therefore incumbent upon the Council that there will be no April ordinary Council meeting.

For all of us right now the current crisis is a challenging time while we do our best to take care of ourselves, our families, loved ones and the wider communities where we all live and work.  If anyone has any concerns about how they or a vulnerable or elderly neighbour or relative is going to be able to cope with the restrictions to our day to day lives that the Government may ask us to make,  whether it is practical things like food deliveries or practical help, please can you email: or phone: 07722 929 483 and we shall immediately put you in touch with someone who can assist.

We hope this cancellation is just for the one month of April and that we can reconvene in May.  It almost goes without saying, please keep safe and take care  during this difficult time.

Best Regards

Thornton Parish Council


Here are some useful links that are being updated daily:

You can follow our latest news on:

Twitter: @ThorntonCouncil

Facebook: ThorntonParishCouncil,Sefton

Facebook: ThorntonCommunitySupportVolunteers


Updated: 21st March 2020